Being in a foreign land (which we now call home), it's always nice to learn of other cultures and celebrations - the carnaval, sinterklaas.. and today, it's pasen, or easter. Aidan went easter egg hunting last friday at school and brought back some chocolade eitjes (chocolate mini eggs). the best thing about sending your child to playschool/nursery is that not only they get the exposure and you get your own time, but they'll come back with loads of scribbles, coloured papers, and all sorts of craft! he came back with bunny ears, eggs, chocolates and some coloured bunny drawings he coloured himself.
It is very important for us to learn of other backgrounds, religion and cultures. and most importantly to respect them too. we dont celebrate easter, we just enjoy the chocolates and the decotations at the shops. but to those of you who celebrate easter, hope you've had a good weekend! tomorrow is still a public holiday for us, i'm gonna make full use of my time and enjoy them with my boys!
Hope Aidan will feel better tomorrow (he woke up with a slight tempreature this morning). have a good week ahead everyone!
Kak Zaza,
Waah, so many new things I don't have any idea about, Aidan experienced it :)
You are right, adapting to the environment prevents awkwardness and learning other people culture makes friends.
Keep well ya, and kiss Aidan for me :)
I'm passing u a taggy...check out my new post :-)
hope aidan is much much better now. and my my he sure looks like he's enjoying that chocolate bar hehehe....
helo...smlm i beli easter egg chocolate from kinder bueno... sedappp nyum nyum.. berebut ngan johan n bapak dia.. ada small toy dlm tu, mak bapak yg excited.. so we plan nak beli lagi kalu still ada kat kedai..
hope aidan feel much better, musim sekarang ni za, johan and the other baby dekat rumah i pun demam.. frank kata, will get better when real spring comes and towards summer..
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