I know i'm suppose to continue writing on our Italy/Swiss trip. but since we're in the topic of Mother's day, i just had to write about what we did over the weekend. i've just had a wonderful weekend! yesterday was Pinkstermaandag, a public holiday, so we had an extra day. I got Hardy a bike for his birthday last year, so this year, my dear husband thought i'd be nice for the 3 of us to cycle together, and so he got me a bike for Mother's Day. it's a shame not to have one in this weather, and besides, i've always loved riding a bike. i used to cycle quite a lot when i was younger.

I must say back then bicycles were different.... i dont remember struggling hopping on the bike! i dont remember struggling stopping! i havent been on one since i was probably 10 or 12 years old! and what a laugh we had! they could probably hear me shouting "maaakkkk!!", if not "aaaarrhhh!!" a mile away!
After our breakfast, we then check if the bikes are fit to go. first hurdle, put Aidan in his seat. (no problem), second, put his helmet on since we're not going to use the inner roads (a slight problem), third, get Zaza on her seat (huge problem! hahahah!). Hardy had packed us a picnic bag for us filled with snacks, fruits, water and sandwiches, and off we went on our bicycle practice trial ride - a TEN kilometers ride! 10!!! yes 10km for a practice ride thanks to Hardy!

We cycled for about an hour before we reached Berg. i was lucky with the traffic lights, slowed down when i saw the lights turned red, sprint away when it's green, avoiding having to stop! clever huh? Berg is a small village on the famous River Maas. and just across the river was Belgium. there we found ourselves a spot to sit and sigh in relief!

There was a small ferry shuttling mostly cyclists, bikers and cars to the other side. its just a short and slow 2 minute ferry ride across the Maas. across the river were ice cream vans, a small snack bar/cafe, some rent-a-canoe spot and a good long stretch of bicycle lane along the river. we decided to give it a miss this time. i had to remind the ever so enthusiastic Hardy to save some energy to cycle back home!
This is dutch. everyone cycles. everyone has a bike. i now have more respect for cyclists, and the dutch people for cycling everywhere! honestly, they are a bunch of fit people. there are rules for cyclists too, and not to mention car drivers when you drive in the country full with cyclists. but it is so safe to cycle, in or out of town. and in this kind of weather, it's so beautiful to be on a bike and see the country!

We rested our legs, knees and butts for about an hour. just enjoing the day, and the view, together with some elderlies who sat next to us. Aidan was brilliant throughout! i'd definitely want to try another ten on a less hilly road soon!
We ended the day with a very delicious dinner my husband cooked - Nasi Ayam! (i know a few wifeys who are privillaged to have husbands who cook... you guys are really really lucky! make sure you cook on Father's Day!)

I am one happy mama! before i was one, i felt that Mother's Day's just a day where people would make extra money and make a big hype over something we should celebrate and appreciate everyday. now after being one, i have a different view on Mother's Day. its a day to just not do anything and let the fathers do it! hehe. how i wish everyday is Mother's Day!
And who says Holland is flat?!?! Holland is definitely NOT flat when you're on a bicycle! i take my word back.. Holland's NOT flat! hahaha...
Thank you boys, i had a brilliant time. i love you both to pieces!
Way to go Za. Hahahaha! - Nina London
Happy Mother's day Z! U deserve all that gifts and special treats from your boys! Hugs xxx Mush
haha... finally you guys are using the bikes-- it's so fun to do it here, eh? Nevermind about managing the breaks and starts of riding the bike... the important thing is to remember, if you fall, just fall gracefully! hahaha.... I've fallen 3 times, and each time a dutch person was laughing at me. :-p Good on ya. the next thing is for Hardy to ride to work (4 minutes only, whaaaaat)...
KLOPT!! Holland is NOT flat.. tiring tho cycling on a NOT flat land, but hey, no pain no gain.. yup, u can see many things in a diff way when cycling kan... i luv cycling too.. and the last time i cycle here was b4 i was pregnant to rambo j.. going to cycle again very2 soon, but don't think going to do 10 km for a start..
Love to try it out as well. Haven't been on a bike myself for a long long time. We just bought Rahil her first bike and she crazy about it.
LOL it sounds like you had a lot of fun! That is so brave of you! Being on the bike for the first time in ages, with Aidan at the back! Sugoi!! (Equivalent to Malay's 'Tere!') When I first got on my bike here, I think it took me a week to adjust back to the groove. Hubby said I looked like 'orang mabuk bawak basikal'. So glad you're better than me!! Yeay for the bike! Yeay for Mother's Day!
wah!!! cute ride la aidan! :) what a happy mom's day!
and you have lived in Holland this long before hopping on a bike!
and how sore are you TODAY??
I'm glad you guys are able to ride free and easy (so to speak!)
Enjoy the scenery and the flow.
I bought a bike last summer, but I don't think I've travelled 10km on it at one go. Great plans, though. It had been 8 years for me.
wow!10k for a practice ride. iz got me a kiddie's bike, even w that i managed to fall a couple of times:)) i miss cycling..esp against the wind, NOT! i remember cycling home a longer route esp when it was windy to avoid cycling a lil uphill against the wind. now our bikes are in the spare room..PANCIT! told iz to get a kiddie seat so he can cycle at the camp w n but he said no way in this weather :)) he can't wait to take n to the golf course tho esp since n can now do a golf swing :)) take care!
wahh..kalau tiap2 ari 10km..mau kurus kak za...x pyah masuk slimming center..ekekekeke...
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