Quite frankly there's quite a lot going on in my family since last month. the arrival of baby Ferran, then baby Ferran's daddy got the pox, then my dad was unwell, aidan then got it.. and a few days back we heard the news that my uncle got a promotion, and on the way down south to his new job, he met with a terrible accident on the highway. he was badly hurt and fractured. yesterday my sister undergo a thyroidectomy surgery after years and years of hoping it'll be under control...
I've been unlike my usualself yesterday.
I get a lot of friends back home telling me how they'd do anything to be in a foreign land, away from Malaysia. i could understand their frustration, i might be feeling the same way if i were still to be back home. but its all about making do of what you have at the moment.
There's a price to pay when you're in a foreign land. you're far from your family, the people that you love. far from your best friends, and as much as you want to be there with them at these times, you simply cant. but it doesnt mean that they're not thought of, not cared, loved and missed.
Nonetheless, i'm still thankful that we're here. very thankful indeed.
I dont have a picture of him since its all back at home. so i typed his name on google and found one. Congratulations Ayah Chik on the much awaited promotion! we're so proud of you! we know you're strong and will get back on your two bouncy feet in no time. this is one part of your life which you will treassure and be thankful for, cause everything happens for a reason. it will 'all rise' from now on! i'm sure it's tough on all back home now, but at least it pulls everyone together even stronger. we're grateful that you're alive and looking forward to hear your silly jokes again. we want you to know we love you eventhough we're far. Get well soon Your Honour!
And as for my super duper sister, you've been absolutely amazing and strong. twice surgery in 2 months! not only you're the smartest but you've always been the strongest one. you've always been the support in all of us, even when you're down. we dont know what we'd do without you. at least now we're putting the matter behind us, hopefully no more mentioning the word 'thyroid' which i'm sure by now you're sick off it! i am still amazed by your strength and i really admire you for that. glad the surgery went well and those tubes are slowly reducing one by one. glad to know your voice is still the same and you're back to pumping those breasts! now heel well and get back to enjoying motherhood, enjoying Ferran. we love you soooo much and cant wait to see you again! (december in sittard pulak... puhleeassee....) Recover well Fi. love you loads.
To you guys who've been very concerned over Aidan, writing comments, calling and asking us how he's doing, i thank you from the bottom of our hearts. i really do appreciate it. Aidan wants you all to know that he's on the road to recovery, spots are almost gone but as usual, scars will take longer, and hopefully none will stay forever. anyway, he's back jumping and crawling and getting fit for his 1st birthday next month! HOERA!!
(p.s: thanks mus for coming over and dropping off the plane. we've been having fun with it. aidan's often checkin out the stewardess to which his papa named "amber" after a gorgeous salesgirl at NEXT! hehe)
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Much on Plate
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Oi "Nicole" n family! Good to hear about Aidan's recovery and Kakak's successful op. Next time you're on the phone give her our love and thank Dad for the sms.
Nicole, Nicole.... cuba you bayangkan 2 lovebirds tengah berbual dibawah pokok togey... the guy says to the girl - "kalau you tak nak kawin dgn I, entahlah apa I nak buat. I ingat baik je I kapak diri I sampai mampus". To which the girl says - "yek eleh, when I'm out of sight, entah2 you dah ada plan-B ke plan-W ke. Nah ni kapak yang I bawak khas untok this occassion.. pi mampuslah dengan you!".
As you can see, the guy's use of the words entah and mampus is quite proper while the girl is obviously uncouth... but she's a smart one, she is... because apart from me, I don't know too many "good" guys!
Till next time then - love to all.
Sorry to hear about all the troubles in yr family & hope yr uncle & sister are recovering well. Glad you guys like the plane & hoped it cheered baby Aidan up a bit - can't wait to see him again so I can pinch his cheeks for real this time!!!
Hi ZaZa, I wish you strength and am sorry to hear about all that troubling situation in your family. I guess such things will only make us stronger individuals Zaza = ) Take care and hugs.
Hoping that Aidan, your sister, Uncle, dad and bro-in-law are getting better.
Take great care.
And September is around the corner for Aidan's birthday do!
my dear zaza....
still remember me - intan yoshida sharuddin aka ayong? x sangka i jumpa blog u and percaya tak, hari ni ive done nothing except surfing your blog! my goodness zaza...u'd never changed...teringat zaman i duduk hostel dulu, your house was one of my target place during weekends and percaya tak, your tennis shirts are still with me! god bless you zaza, please keep in touch! miss you a whole lot!
Hoping Aidan, Fifi and ur uncle getting better..
Take Care..
cle bob: waa terrer la you!! hardy loves your reply! hahahaha... but kalau cakap word mampus however politely or slowly or softly it still sounds harsh to me. kalau entah in a sentence to me should be ok. but if its a reply kalau i tanya "kat mana benda tu eh?" and the reply would be "entah" well.. its sounds a liiiitle bit harsh. ayo, pelik eh?
kakak dah bukak staples semalam. we call ferran hump now coz he's like humpty dumpty... boyoootttttt!! will send your love to them.
love you loadssssssss!!
mus: i know how you feel during that time your mum was ill and in the hospital now mus. how you wish you can just fly back home kan? anyway... they are all recovering well... aidan slightly faster. we meet up end of this week la eh...
mush: dont you just wish sometimes you can be in two places at one time?! hugs back!
theta: aidan's well now, just a few more spots and scars. fi's doing brilliant, and my uncle's recovering, still in hospital. does it feel good to be back home?
ajzie: all are recovering well k.azi, thanks!
last but not least...
AYONGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! mana tak nya. mana boleh aku lupa kau! we've been trying to get hold of you for agess! by 'we' i mean aku ngan mok! and how on earth did you manage to find me in here!!! how are your parets? how's shira? shima and your brother? baju tennis aku yang mana ada pada kau ni? macam mana boleh ada pada kau?!?! buang je, tah dah berkulat agaknya! yong, this is my email zaza_shah@yahoo.com. you can add me kat messenger, aku chat kat situ. and so's alisa and a few others. told k.dayat about you yesterday... gosh!! there's tonnes to talk about and catch up on! where are you? cepat balas cepat!!
elooo....ni tengah nangis ni....sedihhhhh+gembira+terharu...zaza...x sangka dapat jejak kasih balik ni...huwaaaaaaaa......sampaikan salam penuh kasih sayang kat kawan-kawan yang masih ingat kat saya lagi! we can always keep in touch and i dont want to miss a thing again! shima, shira and iman sihat sangat2. I told my mom that ive found your blog...u know what, my mom kata "meremang bulu roma mummy, Long! Sihat ke zaza?" and she knew that ive been missing u a whole lot! Take care zaza...send my hug to your beloved aidan! till then...
Lots of love,
Ayong- amani_yoshida@yahoo.com.my
Cayalah U.Bob!! We need more stories like that....and definitely for Aidan too! for his empowerment in cerita-cerita rakyat yang banyak pengajaran nyer. ahaksss...
Hi Za, Glad aidan's recovering from the pox. It must be horrible but don't worry about the scars. kids tend to heal fast and leave no scars - well Aemir does anyway although he only get really inflammed RED dots from mozzie bites!!
Btw, Aidan's 11mths?!! Wow...so big so fast. Well....happy 11 mths and I hope to see a video of him walking soon!
za, si ayong tu lompat dari fp k.linad kot....dulu shira yg jumpa fp k.linad then rasanye dia p habaq kat ayong dia...ayong dia senyap2 browse...kehkehkehe....intan jgn mare ek....anyway, m glad that i've intan back too....mmg lama si ayong ni menghilangkan diri, but i always know her whereabout...cuma bagi masa tuan punya diri memunculkan diri balik...intan, keep in touch ye & jgn lost touch lagi tau!!!!!
K.linad byk dpt keep track kawan2 lama tru fp & blogs..tx to the technology...klu tidak mmg lost touch with everyone...
ayong: i've added you on my YM list, so whenever we're online at the same time we can chat k?! kau kat mana eh yong? update more on you please!!
Sab@nina: hey you!! how's it going? how was the exams? aidan's ok now, but the pox was terrible and i wouldnt want any mother to go through it, but its impossible kan? hows aemir? we want to see pictures of him! what is he up to these days?
k.linad: laahh.. ye ke?! if thats the case we have you to thank then!! pahala k.linad! btw, i honestly cant remember you, were you in the hostel? i agree, it is amazing what technology can do! for me, it all started masa zaman bercinta, tulis blog kat friendster, then dayat persuaded me to shift to blogger. and i've got her to thank coz i didnt know you can link up to so many people!! siapa lagi x-gs k.linad keep in contact with?
i was in the hostel fr 87-91 then during form 6, tak dok hostel lagi dah...masa f.6 k.linad close dgn camy. k.linad bleh ingat zaza tp tak ingat yr friends....normally klu x-gs bleh ingat rupa tp lupa wc group they belong too..tau la time2 sekolah dulu kan ada geng2nye...intan dia satu course kat uitm ngan k.linad...dayat sbb dia baik ngan k.wied...others, klu ada new x-gs keep in touch i will update in my fp from time to time...
anyway za, m glad that being on the net ni dpt keep track kawan2 lama...yess indeed my pleasure to see 2 friends manage to keep in touch again after so many years apart..i can imagine ayong@intan yg begitu dramatik skali! khekhehehheh jgn mare ye intan....nnt kene jual..
k.linad: it is nice to get hold of our old friends kan? nanti kalau ada lagi, do let me know k!? thanks k.linad!
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